Originally Posted by hawndog
Christmas is way over rated. The songs are terrible. Gift giving is a PITA, especially when 3/4's of them get either returned or thrown into the closet never to be seen again. And there are a lot of family members that I would not miss if I never saw them again.

Those that think Christmas is "overrated" are probably celebrating the wrong things.

I would suggest, however, that families consider forgoing the gift exchanging (except maybe for immediate/close family). We used to draw names and do an exchange for extended family and inevitably nobody got anything they wanted/needed/could use because people were buying gifts for folks they only saw once or twice/year and didn't really know. We made the decision a few years ago that we would only buy gifts for the kids, and then pool the money we would've otherwise spent on useless gifts for one another and, instead, donate it to St Jude. Everyone is happier, less stressed, and the money actually goes toward a worthy cause.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft