Here's one of mine that is pretty unpopular, at least around here...................

I agree that there shouldn't be school-sanctioned prayer in public schools.

now, before y'all go grabbing your pitchforks, hear me out. "Put prayer back in schools" sounds great, on the long as the person in charge happens to be the same religion as you. But, how y'all gonna feel when the principal/administrator is Muslim, or Buddhist, or Hindu, or [insert religion here] and not Christian? You ok with your kids' school leading a school-wide prayer to Allah? I'm not.

If individual students want to get together and prayer on their own, great! I fully support and encourage it. But be careful what you ask for, because if you "put prayer back in schools", there's no guarantee that prayer is to your God.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft