Let's see, reasons against baiting:

1. My Pappy said it's bad
2. The state made it illegal, confirming what my Pappy said.
3. Corn is yellow, grass is green
4. It doesn't require a tractor and is therefore too easy to apply.
5. Neighbors will shoot all of MY deer.
6. Neighbors will shoot all of public land deer.
7. Corn doesn't have roots, grass does.
8. Corn doesn't grow on trees, acorns do.
9. Corn doesn't result in more deer, tink's 69 does.
10. Corn is different from grass.
11. If you legalize corn you'll have to legalize night hunting.
12. Corn doesn't build fat reserves for deer to help get through winters with poor mast crops. Wait, that's not right. Well, grass does too. Wait, that's not right either. Oh heck, I don't know. This stuff gets confusing.
13. Lazy people can kill deer over corn. Hunting is for hard workers only.
14. Shooting deer over corn requires no skill, shooting deer eating grass does.
15. Corn is magic and deer can't resist its powers. They will come in a line day after day after day until there are no deer left.
16. Redneck Goobers use corn.

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. I know there's no more chance of changing the minds of those who hate all manner of change, than there is of changing the minds of us in favor of less unwarranted regulation. It is fun to debate it, but I can tell some are starting to get angry. So, I'm going to do my best to back out - at least for now.