I got a good one from just this past weekend!

So my son and I are getting ready to leave Barbour Co midday Sunday. As we’re about to leave Hunter tells me he forgot something in the stand, so we take off to go get it. We turn on the dirt county road our land is on and make our way to the gate. We come around a curve and I see a car in the road and a big 350 lb black dudes ass. Soon as I come around the curve he starts fishing for his basketball shorts and pulling them up. He heads for his car and I see another person sprawled across the trunk in a pink ballerina outfit frizzy pink skirt and all. She had to roll off the trunk because she easily had 100 more lbs than the dude. She gets in her car and takes off and he slow rolls by with them big white teeth grinning at us. My son and I were dying laughing.

In the middle of the day on a county road. SMH

"Some men are mere hunters; others are turkey hunters."

-- Archibald Rutledge