Originally Posted by bowhunt256
I don’t won’t it to freeze or bust any pipes and I don’t want to have to put antifreeze through everything either. We would mainly use it for the toilet. Any help would be appreciated.

This is really simple. If you have water in your lines and the temperate drops below freezing, The lines/fixtures/joints will bust. You mention "dry" camping so I am assuming no electrical nor water hookups. A water hose from a outside faucet to the camper freezing can cause a big problem. So please let me know what will be hooked up

1) Do you care about hot water? If no, then drain the hot water tank, and bypass it. Those little tanks are expensive and will crack easily.
2) If you are "dry" camping are you planning on leaving the camper running on propane (at the lowest temp inside as possible) 24/7? This is expensive option.
3) How old is the camper? Newer campers have spray insulation underneath.
4) Will you have sewer connection? or the ability to have a hose running to the woods?

Answer these and I can help in options.

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.