Originally Posted by top cat
Looks like a good shot

Yeah, I agree….I continue to become more and more impressed by just how tough these animals are and how far they can tote a shot when their flight instinct kicks in. I’d about bet you that the hunter dang near beat the arrow to the deer and was down tracking within 5-10 minutes of shooting…..if not immediately. What should have been a red flag to him though was when he passed 200 yards and then 300 yards and didn’t find the deer. What that tells you is that you haven’t smoked him like you thought you did so you better back out and give it some time. A smoked deer isn’t usually even gonna make it that far.

What a lot of folks don’t take into consideration is how the big adrenaline rush clouds our judgment and decision making no different than if you’d just snorted a big line of cocaine or something. The hunter is on an upper high and can’t control themselves the way they normally would. They often times make hasty, rash decisions. This is why its not a bad idea to have another hunting buddy track the deer for you. They’re not on that same high and having to deal with being amped up like the shooter. They can track more patiently and make more sound decisions. This track was for an experienced hunter that knew better than to keep pushing it….it was the adrenaline high that clouded his judgement and had him on his hands and knees still tracking at 700-800 yards even after jumping the deer.

Just something for everyone to think about………

Last edited by CNC; 11/04/19 01:13 PM.

We dont rent pigs