There is a large house on one of the properties we hunt. It was mostly ag fields until the early 1990's when it was planted in pines. In what was once one of the fields there was a large house from the 1800's with the windows and doors long gone that is now surrounded by pines. On my way to a deer stand one early morning before you could really see, I was slipping by house and noticed something white move by one of the windows. I froze. Watched, listened...nothing. Started to take a step and saw something white move by the door. I froze, watched, listened....;nothing. Stood there watching intently and then saw it move in front of a window, this time I heard footsteps. I was about to set my own personal land speed record when it finally stepped into the open. A white GOAT...a ghost white GOAT. Not sure where it came from, but it had taken up residence in the old abandoned house. At first you couldn't hear it move because part of the floor had rotted away and in several of the rooms it was just dirt.

It lived in that house for about three years. Always got a little nervous when I went by that house.