Not really all that strange - I have a cemetery from the early 1800's on my property that sits beside a large field and a county road. I have treestand that sits just off the cemetery fence. Climb up in the stand for an afternoon hunt and look over into the cemetery and notice a jar with a red top sitting on one of the grave markers. Finally after about an hour, curiosity had gotten the better of me, so I get down and go retrieve the jar. It is a note from a guy in St. Louis, MO that had been doing family research and had tracked down this cemetery in the woods of Barbour County as a burial site from some of his ancestors. He left his name and phone number. I called him and gave him what info I had and I got him in touch with the local "historian".

On property we hunt, we have the foundations of an old school, a roadhouse/tavern and about 17 houses or house foundations from the 1800's. The last Creek Indian battle in Alabama took place about five or six miles from us on the Pea River and my great grandfather found a bayonet stuck in a tree down in the swamp. Always thought it may have been a running battle leading up to the final confrontation.