Originally Posted by metalmuncher
I was coming out of the woods one evening off of Hanging Tree Road at Barbour Co. WMA. A thick fog started rolling in and I was in a big hardwood bottom. I somehow got turned around and sat down on a stump to think it through. Earlier that day I had found an old gravestone with bayonet that looked like it was from an old WWI rifle laying on top of it. I left it there because I figured a grandson had left it on his Grandpappy's grave or something like that. Well, momentarily, through the fog and with my headlamp I thought I could see that old marker through the woods about 50 yards away so I had an idea of where I was at. The fog thickened again and as I walked towards where I had seen the marker I stopped in my tracks because I saw and older looking man kind of humped over and walking slow walking away from the headstone. He had on loose pants, a long sleeve shirt, a derby style hat, and was carrying some kind of bag. It looked like an old medical bag with two handles to carry it and hold it closed. I had approached him from behind and as I spoke and he didn't seem alarmed. He just stopped, looked back at me for a long silent moment, and then set the bag on the ground beside him. I could see the furrows on his weathered face and he had a worried look about him. He never said a word as he turned and slowly disappeared into the fog in the same direction he had been going. I stood there in disbelief for a moment and then walked over to the bag. It looked and smelled like it had been in the woods for a long time. I had noticed the bayonet wasn't on the headstone anymore when I passed by it, and as I opened the old bag it dawned on me that what was in it, was the same old BS that I just spent five minutes typing up.

Had the same thing happen to me at Skyline!