Originally Posted by Farmer Brown
I found a red sweater about 20 feet up in a tree, after the 2011 storms.

I spotted a red blanket in the top of a mature white oak after these storms came through. There is still some of it up there.

Also found all kinds of medical records from Smithville, MS after the storm demolished the town lying in our pastures and woods. Same storm came right over us, but not with the same intensity.

See all kinds of Indian bones diggers have dug up from an Indian mound I hunt by. Not for me. Bad Ju-Ju there for those folks. I usually bury the bones back instead of leaving them exposed.

Found a stolen motorcycle just last year that was abandoned on me. Thief lived across the road from where he hid it. I called it in and while the LEO was doing the write up, the owner drove by and got it back. It had pretty much been trashed, but he got it back.

I can't stand a thief.