Originally Posted by NightHunter
Originally Posted by centralala
I have actually found some info from the biologist over this, Bill Gray. Long read. He throws out some really impressive numbers. The testing is over as of 2010 but the people of Barbour Co. were pleased enough to stay with it. I could see more counties wanting this if they were aware of all Bill Gray had to say. Example: They had a 500% reduction in harvest of 1.5 year old bucks and a 375% increase in 3.5 year old bucks. The number of man days required to harvest a 3.5 year old bucks was reduced significantly.

That all sounds great. Why hasn't it been published and publicized more?

Just being the devils dvocate here... but if it were published and talked about more would the public believe the numbers were true or take the stance directly above?

That's what happens when leadership has no credibility