Originally Posted by dirkdaddy
You guys do know that all of the harvest information for our WMA's is easily accessible online?

The answer is a simple yes based on the collected data to Clem's question. More mature bucks being killed, less young ones taken, better age structure overall. Look at the data. There is a reason these antler restrictions are now in place at other WMA's like oakmulgee now, someone thinks it works and they have the data to back it up.

FYI the "qdm" restrictions in Barbour started in 99-00 according to the data set.


At first glance I notice that 1) The restrictions have moved the needle just like stated from 1 year olds being killed to 2-3 year olds being killed. It doesn't give info for 5-6 year old though. That's what I'd be curious to see. Did it result in more mature bucks being killed or just move the same harvest up one age class?....2) I also notice there seems to be a big decline in hunter participation over the years...just sayin

Last edited by CNC; 11/01/19 01:55 PM.

We dont rent pigs