A lot of folks have the wrong impression of what CrossFit is or what they do. Maybe not all gyms but I know the one I go to is very faith based and does a lot to give back to those in need. There’s scriptures on our walls and the owner never misses a chance to pray when a group is gathered. That’s a big part of why I enjoy it. Infidelity is everywhere sadly but from my own standpoint it’s strengthened my relationship even more with my wife and I’m sure others could say the same. I credit this again to being a godly place with godly people. You build bonds with these people and I guess that’s why some call it a cult. It’s an addicting sport if you have any competitive bones about you.

Last year I had 4 bulging discs in my back and since starting this my back is stronger than it was 10 years ago. It’s honestly not a lot of heavy lifting.
I was as big of a skeptic of it as there was before but it’s been great for us thus far.