Originally Posted by WmHunter
Originally Posted by ronfromramer
Originally Posted by WmHunter
Originally Posted by Skullworks
If you were planting early November what would you plant for the season?

I would plant the same wheat, oats, rye and clover mix that I always do.
I have planted many times in November due to October drought and had no problems with it coming up.
When we had the late season massive drought a few years ago there was no rain from August until the first week of December.
I planted that same mix the first week of December right before the rain and it all came up like normal, surprisingly.

Someone must have taught you well

Yep, some wise ole sage from South Montgomery County.

Word is he used to be a mafia hit man.
And flew drugs from South America for Pablo Escobar.
Until he went "straight" and picked up the sport of deer hunting.


Keep it down home, cuz