No recovery on the one I went back to this morning. Just judging by the way the dogs tracked it and all I would guess that this one is marginally hit…It’s just part of it with these tracks. We’re gonna probably have a good many like that as the season goes on because I don’t really screen my calls. I listen to what happened but if their in my area and willing to pay the fee then I typically go out and see what we can do with it. The approach I’m taking with tracking is that I’m trying to travel the least amount possible. I want to stay close to home and service the people in my backyard. I’m not really interested in driving 1 ½ - 2 hrs for a sure find over helping someone 15 minutes down the road that may or may not even have a dead deer to recover. It’s just different strokes for different folks. Now I may have to back peddle on this policy later in the year as the rut approaches just due to the number of wild goose chases that we get called on….but I really hate to have to start screening the calls like that.

Another call came in from a hunter that said he shot a really nice one yesterday evening about dark. They followed blood for about 100 yards last night before losing it and backing out. He thought he'd hit the deer well but was questioning the amount of penetration he got. They came back in this morning and found a little more blood as well as a bed where the buck had broken off half the arrow. They couldn’t find anything else after the bed though and they were searching in small pines that were grown up super thick in briars and other vegetation. That's when they decided to just back out and see if a dog could help.

I wish all tracks were like this one. We turned the dogs loose and they burnt this track up like a greyhound chasing the rabbit at the dog track. It took maybe 1-2 minutes for them to track 200 yards to where the deer had laid back down and died. When he got up out of the bed he had simply took a hard left instead of going the original direction he was running. He was just hit a little far back about liver/gut area. This is one our coolest finds to date. A main frame 8 point with split brows….a drop tine…and a sticker off the G2……..Yes, free range.

[Linked Image]

Last edited by CNC; 10/28/19 01:34 PM.

We dont rent pigs