Originally Posted By: Hogwild
What do bait and limits have to with each other???

You keep referencing the fact that 'more' deer, or 'bigger' deer will be killed?

If too many are killed, lower the limit??

I don't know what to do about the downside of killing bigger deer????


I still say that you should have to provide a STRONG reason with lots of credible evidence to make something ILLEGAL. Not, have to prove why it should be legal.

Maybe that is the approach that the State needs to take. No need to write a new Law....just repeal the one in effect now!

So why not legalize spot lighting? As long as no one kills more than 3 bucks a season and one doe a day, what's the harm?

Contrare to what you pro-baiters think everyone doesn't feel that foodplots and corn piles are the same thing. I know y'all seem to think your opinions are facts but they aren't..

Last edited by truedouble; 02/27/12 09:23 PM.