Originally Posted by capehorn24
Originally Posted by Groundhawg
Originally Posted by GKelly
if I can see thru my scope still and I know its not excessively past legal light Im shooting.

So it is okay to pick and choose which laws we which to disregard? Hum...when does someone cease being a hunter and becomes a poacher?

Groundhawg, should not have went there, game check, shooting light and bait permits are all ok to ignore, but let timber2 do a little slipping and the holier than thou crowd is going to unleash their wrath for breaking that law, just like a bunch of Democrats who think the law only applies to the other folks

You bet!. I am sure no where near perfect, never have been and not ever gonna be perfect, but it so strange to me that folks want to pick and choose which rules and/or laws that they want to follow or not then jump all over people when it is something they disagree with.