1998 I think. I was doing a little late summer scouting with my wife in tow along the edge of a swamp on a club I had just joined along the Lee/Russell county line. I had bought a fawn bleat/distress call at the deer hunters expo in Birmingham a month or two earlier. I stopped and blew the call just like the video had shown and told my wife to be still and listen. About 20-30 seconds later, a big doe came running from more than a hundred yds. with a full head of steam. My wife jumped behind me when she heard the commotion and the doe ran past me at about 4 or 5 steps away. She stopped about 35 yds. away and started looking around anxiously before she launched right straight at us. The wife practically crawled under me as I started to yell and wave the deer off. The excited doe turned almost at my feet and kicked up dirt and leaf debris all over us then continued on out of sight. She came so close on that pass that I could have reached out with my elbow and hit her as she passed. It would have probably broke my arm and/or injured the doe though. I'm not a little guy and I'm surely not a wuss, but a deer running 35 mph straight at me would be like hitting Hershel Walker or Bo Jackson without pads on. I couldn't imagine if it had ran over my wife. I threw that call in the garbage back at camp. Things can surely get dangerous quickly if you're not thinking about what your doing in the deer woods.