Originally Posted by CNC
Originally Posted by Big AL 76
...….depending if any gets washed away.

Do you see this as being ok and "just part of the process"?? The reason I say that is because I've noticed a lot of folks make this same comment as if its just a part of planting and no big deal.....even though they're actually having most of their fertilizer washed away as well and suffering from major topsoil loss in the process.

I literally only had this particular day to do the planting and literally just picked this lease up a week prior.. I think for the most part everything should be ok as the dirt seemed to be in decent shape and most fields looked as if they would not hold a ton of water but it should run off.. I only mentioned reseeding Incase I need to throw more seed and fertilizer out.. I would love to have had a better plan and time and plan to take better care of the fields in the spring and through out the year.. my goal is for the fields to hopefully produce and attract deer for the wife,kids and grandkids.. I’m no expert by any means and try the best I can from what I know and read on here 🤔