Originally Posted by Ryano
Originally Posted by daylate
After being told basically to F off by Chevrolet customer service when my brand new truck's transmission started making awful noises 3 days after I bought it, I have bought my last GM product. They told me it was normal for the design and to get a lawyer and sue them because they weren't going to fix it and I just had to live with it. That was in 2000.

Did it go out? When did it have to be replaced?

No, I wasn't going to accept a new truck that made horrible transmission noises at 3 days old. As I said, I called Chevrolet and was told to sue if I wanted anything done. So, I called the dealership every day explaining that this wasn't going to stand. After getting no help, I went to the dealership on a busy Saturday and quietly told them I wasn't going to accept the truck and would stay there as long as I had to and be as loud as I had to until they did the right thing. They finally realized I was not going away and offered to swap the transmission with another new truck on their lot. I drove that truck and all seemed well so I agreed to this. They swapped the transmissions and I took the truck. It was a good vehicle after that and in fact was one of the best I have ever owned. But being treated that way by Chevrolet ended my GM ownership days after that truck.