Originally Posted by charlie
Originally Posted by Remington270
Originally Posted by charlie
If those numbers getting thrown around are accurate, which I find hard to believe, I would use my own vehicle. That's a pile of cash, enough to pay for a new truck every 2 years. Who cares how many miles you put on it, it's not a classic car you're sitting on hoping its worth something one day, its a tool used to make a living.

You have to actually fill the truck up too though. 80,000 miles a year is at least 4,000 gallons and that’ll be over $8,000 minimum per year. Not counting tires, oil changes and the occasional catastrophe.

True, but 80,000 miles at .58 a mile is $40,400. That's a pile of cash for 10 or 12 oil changes and a set of tires.

If your calcs were true that would be great. However they aren’t. Depreciation and commercial insurance will start eating it fast