I started mine out squirrel hunting and hunting other small game. Admittedly, I probably started them too early at trying to kill a deer. Truthfully that was more for me than for them. I was taking my son and his sister with me when they were 3 years old to a shooting house. It was more of spending time together with them than try to actually hunt.

I have made my kids deer hunting too easy and I realize that. For me, like some of y'all, I had to learn the hard way. My dad didn't hunt but he was willing to take me to the woods whenever I wanted to go. I learned all I know on my own. I had a burning desire to be in the woods at all times for as long as I can remember. Neither of my kids have the same desire. They both enjoy it but not like I did. I have always made a point to show my kids how to scout other than let's just go sit in a box and wait.

I know that a lot of guys that hunt aren't woods wise therefore they can't teach their kids those skills.