Originally Posted by doekiller
Originally Posted by GomerPyle

I've found that in a lot of these cases where super young kids are "killing" deer, if you really dig you find that dad or grandpa was holding the rifle and aiming it, and they told Junior to reach over and touch the trigger. Then, of course, they plaster "Junior's First Deer" grip-and-grin picture on Facebook to try to impress all their "friends"......

DW, people are stupid.

I know a couple of people who did that with their kids. I can’t understand the need to beat your chest like that and act like your life Ling child killed a deer.

because a lot of people just can't help but feel a need to one-up one another......and I think social media has just thrown gas on that fire.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft