no shooting, but REALLY weird experience. I was riding in my truck with another fella( read: witness), LOL. I spotted a young 2-3 year old buck rubbing his antlers on a sapling, maybe 50 yards away. I wanted to get a pic so I stopped and got out, he kept rubbing so I quietly slipped closer. He saw me the whole way but kept rubbing. At maybe 10 yards he was getting nervous but kept rubbing his antlers. He'd rub, then look at me as if to dare me to get closer. Ha, at five yards I decided I NEEDED to touch him, damn the consequences!!! At four steps I had a tree between us to hold onto. He turned to leave and caught his antlers in a vine. I guess he thought I did it because he spun towards me, and in a flash I grabbed his right antler...just for a second...because he slapped the hell out of my hand with his left antler and lunged forward, just missing me. He ran maybe 50 yards, stopped and looked back, and went on.

The fella with me was laughing his ass off, said I was crazy. Maybe but I TOUCHED a live wild deer with my (now hurting) hand. Prolly wouldn't try that again but it seemed like the thing to do at the time.

I poked a doe in the ribs with a shotgun barrel maybe 40 years ago as I hid in a cedar tree on a deer drive on Nebo Mountain in Sumpter Co, thought that was cool at the time.

I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one