Originally Posted by blumsden
Shot a big 8pt that was running a doe. Shot it thru one shoulder and it came out the brisket. No vitals were hit. It swam the coosa river, which is about 200 yards wide where my club joins it. When we went to the other side to retrieve it, it was still alive and had 2 broke front legs. It tried to get away, but all it could do was to push with its back legs and just plow with the brisket into the ground. I still wonder how the hell that deer swam the river without the use of his front legs. Must of looked like a model A plug going thru the water.

My best buck traveled 4-500 yards with 2 busted up front legs.. know clue how he managed that..i was certain I was gonna find him 30-40 yards ahead every 30-40 yards cuz blood was strong for 1st couple hundred yards

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin