Thanks so much for your boldness to share and praise God for what He has done in your life

Most people, including American Christians, don’t know the Gospel and thank you for sharing it through your story and testimony

God created us in his image and for his purpose and plan

We were defiant to God, choosing a life that catered to our desires filled with sin that harmed ourselves and others

When there was no chance for salvation or eternity with God, because God is a perfectly just God that is pure, He sent his son Jesus to take our place and to take the punishment we deserved for our life of sin and defiance. Think of a court room scene, you get called up to be in trail at the end of your life and God is the judge. He list all the things you have done wrong (read Jesus words in Matthew 5 if you don’t think you have sin: anger, lust, etc) and God condemns you as guilty, as you should be, and sentences you to death. As the bailiff leads you to serve your sentence and die forever Jesus stands up and says no, I will take his place and take the wrath from God that he deserves. The only perfect sacrifice that could take our and cover our sins

Having faith in believing that Jesus Christ did take our place, is the son of God, and died on the cross, raised from the grave and defeated death for good, to be the sinless sacrifice for our sins to make us right and holy in God’s eyes. Believing this and repenting of our sins gives us eternity by the grace of God alone

REPENT AND BELIEVE! Anyone feel free to PM me at anytime if you have questions or are in a tough spot

Last edited by Poundpp; 10/16/19 08:17 AM.