Originally Posted By: Fun4all
Originally Posted By: Hogwild
Well, I guess that the State has the Right to fence my property off AND the obligation to reimburse me for any damage THEIR wildlife does to my property as well.

You can't just have it one way.......

Nope, your property, you property rights to control what does or does not come onto YOUR property. If you don't want the State's resources there you fence YOUR property off. However, I do understand the "government should do something for me" train of thought versus being self reliant and figuring out another way to skin the cat.

When I was much younger and did not have access to private land through connection, family, or otherwise all I had access to hunt was public land. At that point in time only buck were legal in gun season except for the 2 or 3 "doe DAYS" on private and public land, however, you could kill does with archery equipment. So instead of sitting around whining about not being able to shoot deer and never seeing bucks to shoot on public land I decided to hunt strictly with archery equipment on public land. Problem solved! Did I just start slaughtering deer by doing that? No, but I did change the way I was going about hunting to increase my opportunities and was not begging the government to help me out.

Currently in the State of Alabama you can legally feed deer year round and you can place bait out and hunt over it legally, the ONLY thing a person has to do is place the "bait" by thinking far enough in advance, you know that thing called planning, to plant the agricultural seed/grain so that it can grow and produce hundreds of times more feed/bait than that sack that you planted. Now is that so hard to figure out? Or, is it just so much easier to whine to the government to help you out because you are unwilling to help yourself out? Or, because "everybody else is doing it anyway"? Or, any other excuse that can be thought up to get the government to give you a little more advantage to kill a deer.

Let me get this straight. You think its unfair to other hunters to allow private landowners to pour "bait" out of a sack on property they paid for or paid to lease. Something hunters of any income level could do. But, you think it's okay to allow baiting for those wealthy enough to buy a tractor, spend $300 to $500/ an acre planting corn. This is fair?