I guess I'm kind of like cigars like I am with Wine, Beer and Booze... I have tried all kinds of high end stuff and have migrated to stuff that's not super expensive, but that tastes good to me.

I like to smoke cigars on the weekends on the back deck of the cabin or sitting around a fire or hanging out with our close group of friends up here. I don't smoke cigars everyday of the week or anything like that.

Right now the main cigars I have in my humidor are:

Free Cuba
John Bull

The Free Cubas in the Corona size are some of my favorites not expensive, but just a good solid cigar. Kind of like Buffalo Trace Bourbon, not expensive, but taste good.

I probably have about 50 assorted cigars. My best friend and I place orders from Cigars International and usually split the bounty.

I am a cigar smoker of the non-asshole variety.