That says more about who you associate with than it does cigars.

A well crafted, hand rolled cigar is a wonderful experience. All of the major makers that matter have origins in Cuba. I like Romeo E Julitta , Cohiba, and any number of makers that have high quality standards at all levels. I’ve had and have a few actual Cuban cigars. I just don’t see anything special about them. Actually seems a bit more unnecessarily harsh for my taste. Most any Cuban seeded tobacco from the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Costa Rica, etc, will get you the good smoke. A cigar isn’t supposed to be like a cigarette/crack pipe. It’s supposed to be like a desert after a fine meal.

Grape Swishers and the like are just shitty pipe tobacco that’s been sprayed with bubble gum flavor. You can get good quality, hand rolled cigars online for about $2 per stick. One good cigar will last an afternoon, as opposed to a pack of Dollar General cigs lasting 4 hours for those that smoke them.

But yes, I smoke cigars, am I am an asshole of epic proportions.