Originally Posted by soalaturkeys
And, if you are a nut about Japan and the Feudal Era (samurai period) like I am, my #1 favorte book is The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell. It is one awesome read.

Shogun by James Clavel is good too.

Also I really enjoyed the Gonji series about a Samurai warrior in Feudal Europe. Great series of books.


While I'm thinking about warriors out of place...

There is a fantastic book about a Nazi Waffen SS guerrilla hunter battalion that somehow escapes after WWII into Switzerland and then to France and joins the French Foreign Legion and is pressed into service in French Indochina fighting the Vietminh in the 1950's. These guys were brutal in dealing with the communist Guerrillas. It's a true story. The writer meets this guy in a bar in Thailand and over a few drinks finds out that he was the Colonel of this force and persuades him to tell him the whole story. Great read. It's called "The Devil's Guard" By Robert Elford.
