Originally Posted by WmHunter
AOC is not stupid.
She is very intelligent.
As are her backers and promoters who found her, groomed her and put her into Congress.
She is doing her job PERFECTLY.
She is an Alinskyite Agent Provocateur doing her job of aggressive Alinskiyite Marxist tactics of being "crazy" and
trying to tear down and attack everything traditional, constitutional, Christian, etc.

Now the lunatic hollering for eating babies to fight "global warming" is totally brainwashed - but FIRSTLY and MOSTLY she
is spiritually dead and therefore easily manipulated by the global warming propaganda. She is spiritually deluded first and politically deluded second.

Get used to it folks.
As the End nears it will only get more and more crazy.
Hell is coming for this World.
Be prepared.

This is absolutely true.

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?