Woke up this morning, same routine, and something didn't feel just right with my right foot after putting on my boots. I continues to walk about but something was digging in the top of my right foot before my toes. Eventually I took my boot off and shoved my hand in the boot and felt of the lining on the top of the toe. A little rough, but nothing. Made the effort to take my sock off as I was wanting to get on with the day, and nothing on my foot. Turned the sock inside out and at the toes was a small grain head of seed.

A small thing such as a seed head, was causing all this trouble. Much like the seed head, sin regardless of its "size" in our earthly opinions, is large enough to separate us from the heavenly Father, and cause us all kinds of trouble, as we are separated from Him. A little is too much.

Have you taken the time to remove sin from your life with confession and repentance to the Heavenly Father?
How much better you will be in His presence with a little investigation of your heart?

Psalm 139:23-24

23Search me, O God, and know my heart;

test me and know my anxious thoughts.

24Point out anything in me that offends you,

and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

Father God,

We are sinners, lost and broken. Put it upon our thoughts the things we need to remove to be closer to You and Your plans for us. Guide us with the Holy Spirit, and let us be aware of His direction for us to go. Thank You for the Compass of the Holy Spirit. May we use Him each and every day to keep us going in the right direction.

Be with those who are hurting both physically, mentally, emotionally, and Spiritually. Touch each and every one, and let Your Holy presence be felt and acknowledged.

To You be the Glory and Honor. For it is in Jesus name we ask and claim these things, Amen!

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God Bless,
David B.

Premium member #8925
Team Rack Addicts
2016 Aldeer Deer Champions