Originally Posted by Festus
Originally Posted by jb20
Originally Posted by RedneckNinji
Being family and all it is different I know so low end keeping family in mind I would say $700-$1000 a year but throw all of that out the window and say you were advertising for new leasers you could probably get as much as $4-$6,000 a year maybe more for the right person!

Aight I'm getting 2 now so well stay there

Enjoy goin' Duck Hunting a time or two....All I own is Upland Pine/Hardwood. I'll offer Offshore Fishing on My Boat or $$ to be able to hunt it a couple times.

Well Festus if i wasn't accepting money from my in-laws to hunt it id invite u up but i wouldn't feel right having leased it out

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin