Originally Posted by GKelly
Originally Posted by ALFisher
There was a recent article in the WSJ about how a bunch of southerners bought timberland thinking they could retire off the income from the property and how that hasn't worked out at all. There's nothing in the forecast for the next 20-30 years to change that.

can you make money buying and selling land and timber? Absolutely. Can you make money buying "my own place" and managing it for timber and deer - probably not, unless it is a really big place that you can cut a bunch of timber off of.

I own about 140 acres. If I'd taken the same money and put it in the stock market, I'd be better off, but then again, I wouldn't have the memories either. If I sold it right now, I might be able to make a little money off of it. Might. I've owned it about 10 years, during a time of decent economic growth. bamaeyedoc probably has it described best.

figure in the money you would have paid yearly to lease or hunt a club into that equation and see how much return you have really gotten out of it

I'm figuring in all those things.

One thing folks don't consider when buying property is upkeep. Roads need upkeep, especially with all the rain we've had in the last two years. Also, you will need to buy a tractor and equipment. Those things break. Your camp house needs upkeep.

that said, I'm still glad I did it.