Originally Posted by NSDQ160
Originally Posted by MC21
Originally Posted by NSDQ160
My gripe with Cam has nothing to do with him playing at AU... its the same gripe that comes with most athletes. They are given all this talent by God Almighty.... then act like spoiled brats or trash or just thugs in public and squander their talent away. On top of all that when their career is dwindling they pitch tantrums as if everyone else is wrong. Cam I have an extra special gripe because his family got money in college and everyone knew it.... they basically flaunted it. Again, that has nothing to do with AU, just the person/family itself. Don't get me wrong, i'm going to rib AU every chance I get because of it but I don't hate Cam because he went to AU, I don't hate Cam at all, I just don't like him because he and others like him (gifted athletes) are given a platform to do so much more and they just waste it on nothing, pettiness.

So what exactly did he do again? What exactly made him a spoiled brat or a thug in public? If I remember correctly Cam used to help out and donate a lot to mentally challenged and handicapped kids. I get what you are saying about athletes in general but besides dressing like a queer Im not sure what cam has done to be labeled as a thug or brat.

I stated it in my post. Taking money in college from Yellawood.

Every major college pays players. And it was never proven there’s been a lot worse people to do a lot worse things.