I have planted on Labor day in years past for one simple reason - it was the weekend that I knew I would have time to do it. Some years it worked really well, and some years it didn't. It all depends on the rain, and our place in Perry county is the driest place in the state in the fall. We often get a couple of decent rains in September, and if you have your seed in the ground it can get established and then survive the October drought. I've learned to just expect that it's not gonna rain in October.

But the thing that has been different the past few years is that it is staying really hot all the way through September and even in to October. It's past the middle of September and still gonna be over 100 several days this week. I think you have gotta alter your planting when it keeps doing this year after year. With it over 100 in September and bone dry in October, I don't see anything to do except plant in November.

Last edited by poorcountrypreacher; 09/17/19 11:23 AM.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.