I figure if they ban them, they wont go door to door. They'll try the mandatory buy back thing for a while, then it will be illegal to have them. If they find one and can tie it to you then you've committed a felony. If you have to use one for self defense, you've committed a felony. There might be some coming after them with red flag laws (your neighbor suspects you have what you're not supposed to and calls you in). If you commit a felony, then they take all your guns and rights. A lot of folks will hide them out, but really, what good are they in a buried in a hole somewhere. They won't have a four year plan to get rid of them, more like a 30 year plan to phase them out.

As much as the Dems want them gone, they aren't willing to die for it. If they announced that they were coming door to door to get your guns, there would be a lot of blood shed on both sides. They dont care about yours and mine, but they do care about theirs.

May the sound of hounds never die!