Originally Posted by Big Bore
LEO will NOT enforce such a confiscation in Alabama! Around here, they will die to protect all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC! If the feds come into play, they will be fighting both local LEO and militia. This might just be how it all goes boys.....I know one thing, I am getting older and I figure it willbe better to burn out than fade away! If I am not at the point in my life that I am not willing to give the ultimate sacrifice for what I believe in, well then I am just a pussy.......that goes for everyone who believes in freedom at all cost.....God Bless America.

I'm with you Big Bore. The country will not stand for this overreach of government power once the blood spills. I do not have a family which depends on me, I'm willing to step up. I hold no illusions that I can hold off an armed government intrusion if they want to take me down, but I WILL let them know they will have to kill me to take my last gun from my cold dead fingers.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe