Originally Posted by outdoorobsession
you know if people only looked theyd see that yes the Govt would take your guns. And it wouldn't be a dozen men coming to do it. They've done it before actually. The law was passed and a confiscation was done. Not only guns but ammo too. There wasn't a dozen guys coming. They sent 700 men!

Against a radical right wing anti tax group. They did it in Massachusetts. To the Tea party group!

Though you wont hear much about the confiscations on the main stream media!

When it was done there were 70 dead and over 200 wounded. And the leaders of the group became wanted criminals..so do not think it cant happen again.

You guys don't remember that?

The government forces luckily were turned back when even though with no real means of communication the anti Tax right wing group prevailed.

The casualities.. were on the side of the government! And those radical criminal leaders remained at large.

You might recognize their names: Samual Adams was one. Our founding fathers the rest.

So sad that a bunch of modern day men would instead just roll over like a bunch of pussies these days. SMDH.

Some of yall might want to reach between your legs and see if ya got balls or a mangina. Just saying.

Preach it ODO!!

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe