Originally Posted by Powpow65
Originally Posted by therealhojo
Originally Posted by Powpow65
Originally Posted by AC870


Just got another email explaining that they don’t know am from pm See below:

We had one of the Fred T. Stimpson hunts set to display results at 2:15 am and should have been 2:15 pm. This is the reason you got an email indicating you were not selected. Disregard that email. The draw time for that particular hunt was entered correctly and will occur at 2pm. I have corrected the display results for that hunt to be 2:15 pm, so if you are selected you will get an email indicating such. I looked at all 43 hunts and this one hunt was the only one with this display results error.

Receiving the email overnight will not have any impact on the actual draw/selection. I apologize for any confusion this error may have caused. If you have any questions feel free to contact me via email or calling the number below.

Yeah right. Notice that all the emails sent out were "not selected". Why wasn't there any "Hunter" or "alternate" emails sent out?

Doesn't take rocket science to figure out that if and email was sent before any drawing was done, then there wouldn't be any hunters or alternates to send an email to saying they have been picked. Like picking a winner before the clock hits 0:00.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to write a sentence either

I’m not a rocket scientist, just a dumb redneck——- but I still figured it’s our. I ain’t nary good with that there English neither