Originally Posted by JUGHEAD
Originally Posted by FurFlyin
Timely thread. A Chinook flew over the shop yesterday it flew directly over my head. As I saw it approaching the only thought that occurred to me was, “there’s people who think we could stand against the government if they decided to take our guns.”

I got some good stuff but I don’t own an Apache, a Chinook or a tank
You don't, but a hell of a bunch of military members with access to them, know how to pilot/drive them, and agree with us 100% do though. Ya'll are crazy if you think a huge portion of our military is not gonna stand on our side if/when our government decides it is time to unleash all-out war on its innocent, law-abiding citizenry. They're too stupid to try it, but if they do, those liberal loons are going to have a war on their hands that they can't even fathom, from both outside of and within their ranks. Yes, other countries's citizens have not taken a stand against tyranny when the time came, but there has never been another experiment/country with the same level of ingrained, down in our bones, sense of God-given, and soldier blood-purchased, liberty that half of the people in this country still possess. They might very well kill me and everybody I know in the process (to live is Christ and to die it gain), but I will NEVER willingly give up my firearms which is my only, personally-owned defense against tyranny, crime, and my God-given pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. There simply isn't a cell in my body that is afraid of dying, but I am inundated with fear as it pertains to living under any form of tyranny.

I agree. I don’t know anyone that would side with the gov on this. I can tell you one who damn sure won’t.

It's hard to kiss the lips at night that chews your a$$ all day long.