Originally Posted by Frankie
Originally Posted by Goatkiller
Y'all are not going to do anything but go up there and turn your chit in....... You'll be on here in about 9 months talking about how you can't bring yourself to vote for Trump because you don't agree with ______. You gonna write in some Libertarian or Nick Saban out of PROTEST!

Hollering about how it's your right to sit on the sidelines and not cast a vote, etc. You don't have to vote for someone you don't agree with, blah, blah, diddy blah.

See you in about 9 months.

Yea , I'd say you're 95% right . Hard to be in a shot out with kids crying in the back ground if they be knocking for them at the door

Thankfully our forefathers did.

Sig Sauer, to hell and back reliable.

Whatever suits you just tickles me plum to death.

Can I refill your eggnog for you? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead?