Originally Posted by Irishguy
Kruschev said that they would take us over without firing a shot. Communism didn't die with the death of the Soviet Union and it hasn't been reformed by the changes within China. It is still alive and well and has simply changed tactics. Communism, as a form of government, is simply too good to be true to the globalist elite people who's only goal is total World domination under their control. The methodology to that end is basically:

Destroy faith in God
Destroy nationalism and patriotism
Destroy the family unit
Destroy the middle class
Destroy respect for law and order
Destroy the economy
Disarm the people
Create a false "boogyman" to blame it all on

And then...

Step in as the savior and implement Socialist Fascism

This is what happened in Russia in the early 1900's
This is what happened in Germany in the 1930's
And it almost happened in The United States under Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930's.

As long as there are criminal sociopaths like the Clintons that desire power more than life itself it will never stop.

The Clinton aint nothing compared to whats coming now . Whole different class looking for power now .

The ones running now are just showing the tip of their ice burg