I'm no tactical tommy never joined the military or wanted to be a police officer.Been a handloader for 38(or 39)years have all my fingers and eyes and no idea how many dozen thousands of rounds I've loaded and shot.Rifles from .19 Calhoon to .50Bmg handguns from 3 mm Koliburi(which would annoy a praying mantis or wolf spider) to .50 Bmg (never said it was a good idea) Never felt uneasy or scared or concerned being around shooters open carry concealed carry.Why not? Because I'm a man and Liberals(misspelled on purpose) concern me far more than polymer,metal,powder and brass.The 4 rules set forth by Col.Cooper make me safe from firearms the skills with firearms keep me safe from America's enemies. "Always Carry" gets posted a lot here and that's true,but how bout a light to identify that problem? Maybe a sharp stout blade to break an contact issue? Lots of folks have basic first aid and carry an Ifak and tourniquet not a bad idea. To keep this light maybe the gun companies should neck the .270&.280 up to .30 caliber and call it the .30 whomperstomper.

Skinny is my EX.Alcohol was involved.