regardless of your opinion on the laws surrounding concealed/open carry.............if you just think logically, Walmart's stance that concealed carry is ok but open carry is not, it simply doesn't make sense.

Walmart isn't saying you can't carry a gun in their stores, they're just saying they don't want to see your gun. WTH?? If I was concerned about someone using a gun for nefarious purposes, I'd much rather be able to see it and know they had it to begin with, than them keep it hidden until they decided to use it. That right there tells me that Walmart's whole "No Open Carry" policy is nothing more than classic virtue signaling and pandering to the anti-gun crowd. They're not even remotely interested in actually reducing crime or increasing safety, they're simply hoping to appease a certain group of people in hopes that it increases their profits a quarter of a percent.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft