Originally Posted by Out back
Originally Posted by deadeye48
Originally Posted by Out back
I think open carry is stupid and reckless.
A. You're just being an attention whore.
B. I don't want the bad guy to know I'm armed until I need him to know.

Open carry is a right and legal and you’re saying a person is an attention whore for exercising their God given right expressed in the constitution. You sound like a Democrat running for office.
As for a bad guy knowing you’re armed ....when you start digging in your waistband or boot or pockets to get at whatever you carry your drawing attention to yourself.
I open carry and CC it just depends on where I’m at and if I deem which is appropriate

Open carry is appropriate in places. Like your own private property or in the woods.
In public you're just an attention whore.

Wow...Outback and I agree on something.