Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher
Originally Posted by GomerPyle

So, snuffy and PCP........I've always said I wouldn't have one just because most of the places I hunt are moderately hilly, and in my experience, hills run batteries down quick. But after reading through this thread and the other recent one, in hindsight most of the people I've known that used electric carts were probably the guys that took a bone stock 36v cart, threw on a lift/tires and went hunting.

If done "the right way", like y'all have mentioned in these threads about upgrading motors/controllers/wiring/etc, does that make enough of a difference that a 48v electric cart would be sufficient even on property with some pretty good hills?

There ain't a road anywhere that my cart won't climb, and it is only 42 volts. Set one up properly and hills will not be the issue. The biggest issue with them compared to a 4 wd ATV is mud. I'm not talking about a mudhole; it will handle that. Where it could be a real problem is in places where you have road that is a mile of mud, the kind of places where a truck would have to be in 4wd to have any hope of getting through. I've hunted places in the Black Belt that are like this and a 2 wd electric cart would be more trouble than it's worth in such a place. I have no access to places like that, so not an issue for me.

I would put a rear end like Snuffy has on mine if I needed, but I get stuck so seldom that it just wouldn't be worth it to me. And the few times I've gotten stuck, the winch had me out quickly.

Another place where an electric might not be a good choice is if you are in a club that's really big, like 5000 acres or more. If you regularly drive more than 10 miles while hunting, I'd stick with a gasoline vehicle. All the tracts I hunt are under 700 acres. Running out of a charge won't be an issue if you charge it every night, and you are supposed to do that anyway. Good luck deciding.

Club I'm in is ~2000 acres and has a pretty decent road system from what I can tell (although this is my first year and I haven't been out there during a wet winter/spring)

That's getting to the size where range could be an issue at times. It would depend on how that 2000 acres lies and where your starting point will be. If it's basically square and you start from a camp in the middle, then it won't be an issue. But if it's long and narrow and you start from one end, maybe it could. At least, it could with a standard cart using flooded lead acid batteries.

If you go to lithium batteries, guys are claiming ranges over 40 miles with them. That's expensive compared to the regular carts, but still cheap compared to a new Bad Boy. You could build a super cart that would do anything cheaper than a new Bad Boy.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.