Originally Posted by gundoc
Originally Posted by Joe4majors
I went to ask Lake View about ordinances about having chickens and I’m still waiting for an answer.

There was one couple that were ticketed after being told to get rid of their chickens...Another family got rid of theirs after being told to do so and didn't get ticketed

Originally Posted by Joe4majors
Harley’s don’t sit there and gas it for 3 hours straight.

If you know where I can borrow one, there is one chic who's house I want to go sit in front of and rev it up for 3 hours - from 9p - 12a and let her see how she likes me "exercising the freedom to do what I like because I live in the country and don't have to worry about an HOA or city ordinances"

Is she hot ???

You haven't been blocked until you've been flock blocked!!!