Another great weekend at Camp Little Ridge. I wasn't going to go up there until Friday afternoon, but Mrs. Irish called me about 1900 Thursday night and informed me that she had forgotten her keys to the cabin and she had her Mom with her and was already up past Gadsden, so I had to grab my stuff and head on up there. Thursday night is was actually quite chilly for this time of year we got down in the mid to low 50's on Thursday night.

I had a lift rented for the weekend so I got a couple of high elevation project knocked out that I have been needing to do for some time. I helped a buddy top out and cut down a tree at his cabin on Friday and then transplated one of my Leyland Cypress trees to a better location.

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Saturday I installed some re-purposed gutters.I installed them once and just to check how they flowed (1/2" per 10'-0") I rode the lift back up and sprayed the roof down with the hose pipe. It's a frost free hose bib out in the yard with full pressure so it flows some water and guess what... Most of the water coming off the roof flowed right over the top of the gutters. So I had to raise the entire gutter up 1" and now it works great.

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I took Mrs. Irish up for a ride in the lift as high as it would go to see the view from up there. She's smiling in the picture, but she was skeered. She doesn't like heights. grin

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Shhhh.... Early morning coffee... The sun is getting a little farther south with each sunrise.

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Sunday it was designing and fabricating some chimney supports and finally getting the chimney done...

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Time for a well deserved cigar, Guatemalan beer and a shot of 100% agave Tequila.

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Monday I buttoned up everything on the inside and we are ready for a fire when the weather cools off.

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