Originally Posted by desertdog
Originally Posted by JBL
Originally Posted by desertdog
Chuck recently said in an interview. The Wmas are under utilized. He said we need more hunters. Then they do crap like this.

This is by far the most hilarious thing I have read on this forum ever. I dont think this one can be beat. Obviously Chuck has never been hunting at a WMA in North Alabama. I cant fathom there being more hunters than there are that currently use them.

I agree and that's one reason I quit going to Freedom Hills. I would drive half way across the State to get there. Drive for a daily permit. Then be regulted on what zone to hunt in. I had a 45 min conversation with Daniel Toole before he retired from Freedom Hills. He kept saying your odds go up when you have more people in a smaller zone. I told him yes but most of the deer a running you see and their so many people the enjoyment of the hunt goes down.

Your odds of getting killed go up too. Bet hes never hunted a WMA. Me and a couple friends were walking out of skyline several years ago on a gun deer hunt. We jumped 3 does that were right on top of us. These does were not far in front of us and gunfire broke out. Other hunters in front of us killed every one of those deer. And yes we were decked out in hunter orange. They dont care, they just want their 6 month old deer.